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Search Results for: human milk oligosaccharide

Human milk oligosaccharide

Definition noun plural: human milk oligosaccharides An oligosaccharide that occurs in high concentrations and exclusively... Read More


Carbohydrates are organic compounds consisting of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, usually in the ratio of 1:2:1. They are one... Read More


Definition noun plural: galacto-oligosaccharides ga·lac·to·ol·i·go·sac·cha·ride An oligosaccharide made up of... Read More


Definition noun plural: roughages rough·age, ɹʌf'ɪdʒ (1) A dietary fiber (2) Hay or any other coarse feed, such as... Read More


Saccharide Definition What is a saccharide molecule? A saccharide is the unit structure of carbohydrates. In biochemistry,... Read More


Definition noun A disaccharide made up of galactose and fructose and produced through a heat... Read More